Tuesday 29 January 2013


As we write, we're sitting under the stars enjoying mojitos on the cliffs of Verkala - the downside? Our impending dietary apocalypse which could result from our first venture into the Indian culinary sphere.
Having dumped our bags at the hotel - referenced as a hotel for "garden gnomes" by lonely planet (perhaps more due to the small dimensions of
Rooms as opposed to the kitsch cuteness) - we strolled along the cliffs and down to the beach; there's an astonishing amount of fellow foreigners, although the bellies and tattoos on display are a stark warning against the possibility of a 30-year gap yah.

Tired from our travels, we've retreated to the cafe del mar for bevs and dinner - occasionally harassed by locals selling bongo drums and other must-have hippie gear. We were almost too un-hippie for the beach, so are planning to stock up on baggy trousers before tomorrow's sesh - any requests do contact us on provided emails.

With love

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