Thursday 31 January 2013

Farewell Varkala and terrifying children

An imagined scene:

Local youth 1: "hey mate what you planning on doing this Thursday morning?"

Local youth 2: "I dunno... I may hide by a beach hut and jump out on Europeans and demand photos with them..."

Local youth 1: "sweet bro! That sounds good, see you there - gonna get so many selfies"

En route to black beach this morning, this seemingly strange possibility became a reality - we were pounced upon by the local lads, who requested photos in ALL sorts of poses. Of course, we enjoyed their sheer excitement, but hearing "you're beautiful" made me feel like a (barely) hairier Bieber.

Speaking of which, over the last couple of days we have acquired our own biggest fan, although perhaps stalker is a more accurate description - a young girl working in one of the shops lining the cliff has adopted us as cash cow #1, trying to flog all ridiculous sorts of wares to us. She has become so persistent, so pesky, to the extent that tonight we adopted disguises as we made our way to dinner (see below).

We enjoyed a fantastic last dinner at Hungry Eye, albeit having to keep to a £2.50 budget - on the way back to our hotel I had a transformative experience: there, on a bag being sold in one of the tat stores, was an uncanny semblance of my/Zander sharp's face (see below).

Leaving varkala for kollam tomorrow - a shame to be leaving such an idyllic place, "but why think about that when all the golden lands ahead of you and all kinds of unforseen events wait lurking to surprise you and make you glad you're alive to see".

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